Daily routine and weekend
Every department at the UPK Basel offers patients a structured weekly programme. This includes social focal points such as a daily briefing, cooking groups, group activities, a sport and mnemonic training group, an extensive psychotherapeutic programme with psychoeducation (transfer of knowledge about mental illnesses) and group and individual creative therapies. The programme also contains regular discussions, visitors from the treating doctors and on-site discussions in the therapy team. Group discussions with peers (people with psychiatric experience and specialist training) are also offered.
The department also offers physical fitness therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and social services, which are tailored to the patient’s individual needs as part of the weekly programme.
At the weekends, activities such as brunch, excursions or games are planned along with home training (e.g. getting used to relationships or dealing with household tasks), which helps to prepare patients for the time after their discharge. During the discussions with the treatment team of doctors, psychologists and nurses, these experiences form the foundation for further therapy.